A great article from Ann Coulter.
I don't think these guys in Washington read the newspapers or conservative web sites. Or the polls telling them that the tax payers do not want illegal immigrants to have the same rights as citizens of America.
Eric Bosworth:
Interesting article... I have to agree that Eric Cantor's primary defeat was the greatest upset since the Miracle on Ice. That said, I have mixed feelings on immigration. I think that immigration is actually good for our economy. The problem is all of our programs like the earned income tax credit and our health care laws requiring health care for people who can't afford it. This may sound heartless but I believe our health care would be better without these laws and I think that private charity rather than government mandates would pick up the slack.
How many people who live in the US today have ancestors that came to this country from another country? Unless your an American Indian (And even then) some of your ancestors were once immigrants.
The Plaque on the statue of liberty;
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
We are a country who draws its great strength from diversity. I believe in immigration. I believe the process is too hard right now.
It should be easy.
Can you speak English?
Will you work and pay your taxes?
Will you stand back to back with all Americans to defend your new country?
If the answer is yes to all three.. let them in! If they fail to comply with ANY of the three at any time, send them back where they came from.
So long as the process to gain entry is straight forward and simple, we would not have illegal immigrants.
No, illegal immigrants do not need tax beaks, no we will not be "forced" to hire bilingual teachers, and put two languages on street signs etc... Speak the language, and earn your keep, and I am proud to stand back to back with you defending this country. I dont care your color, religion etc...
m I remember my Great grandfather telling the story of coming to America from Germany... The way he told the story, made SEEING the statue of liberty "appear" through the fog easy in my own minds eye.. I remember the story well, it gave me goosebumps when I was just a little cutter...
I have read the accounts of the other side of my family coming to this country from Ireland... so I am Irish and German.. "WHO" am I to dislike immigrants?
My Grandfather's Liberator was shot down over the Hamburg ball bearing plant.. He survived, and FOUND relatives, who helped him and the surviving crew sneak back into friendly territory.. If they had not, I would not be here. I served, My son SERVES in the Army.. Who are ANY of us to dislike immigrants?
If an immigrant thinks his old country was better, he should go back. If he says he will not fight for this country, he does not belong here. If he rudely speaks his native language while in public, he should be loaded up and returned...
I dont mind immigrants at all, I AM them! But I dont like supporting them, and I dont like wondering what they are snickering about and pointing my way while speaking a language I do not understand. I would not do that to them, I do not expect them to do it to me. Become a citizen.. and be PROUD of it, or get out.
Your post sounds like bush senior, a tousand points of light, a kinder and gentler nation, read my lips. If it were true that the private would pick up the slack, that would be great. Perhaps they are trying but also aparently there was still a need for some laws covering medicine.
Old mech, think "illegal immigrants". I hate the first half, whether it includes the second half or not. Illegals, whether immigrants, or natural born thieves, I have no room for them.
I agree immigration should be easier, but with the same government benefits our forefathers had. NONE, but the freedom to pursue. Many of our ancestors starved and froze, that is the price to pay for immigration. The right to pursue, not a guaranteed life on easy street.
gww, to pack and leave your birth country, things must have been very bad. The new country is likely to be hard, but that may well still be an improvement. The new country has no reason to shower you with free gifts when you have done nothing to earn them.
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