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Author Topic: Gorgeous day here.  (Read 1019 times)

Offline Vance G

  • Queen Bee
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Gorgeous day here.
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:09:23 am »
I hope you disaster ridden denizens of the east coast aren't having to resort to cannabalism to survive your latest storm of the century. We had the prettiest day I can remember today.  Mid forties and not a breath of wind.  Two days ago I got my shipment of 15% irradiated pollen suppliment patties and went into a beekeeping frenzy.  The bees were flying freely.  I popped lids and found three dead colonies and two strugglers who may or may not make it.  That 10% loss is wonderful and I would be so happy if that is it.  I put the patties on seven colonies.  Two strong ones for a test and the five weakest who won't amount to much anyway unless something sparks them.  Global Patties says not to feed until the emerging bees can get real fresh collected pollen.  I am two brood cycles out from that I am afraid.  But so far so good.  I have at least twenty that will be boiling by then and very splittable.  I should have ordered more queens.   These bees are wrapped tight with an insulated plastic wrap with 1 1/2" foam above.  One was apparently wrapped too tight as the soundboard on top of the feeder rim was soggy around the outside edge.  The MC sugar was like a brick in all of them.  So far I may not be oddfrank wintering challege caliber but I like what I see so far.  2/3 of the colonies were August and September starts shaken off old black AFB saturated comb.  I am anxious for the April day when I can pull some frames and know for sure I left the plague behind.