'One way' to 'immediately' look at "your post" after posting is to go back to the main page which only takes seconds (maybe a second), and is easy, just click on the HOME page, look at the bottom of the main page and under the heading:
Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum - Info Center
within forum stats you will see on the second line:
Latest Post. There you will find the topic of the post you just posted "highlighted" just click on it and it will take you "directly" to 'your post' and the entire page it was posted on.
Now if someone else has posted since your last post then their post will be highlighted and may be on another "topic" thus another page. If that is the case simply click on:
View the most recent posts on the forum. which will be on the third line of the same heading of (forum stats). This will show you each of the last 10 post in order, word for word as posted. You can continue viewing page after page of each post "in the order" it was posted if you choose..