What they have posted is largely inaccurate; firstly, the USDA programs are not "secret" and the documents never needed to be "uncovered" since they were public documents and posted on the USDA's website for all to access (it's like saying "my own investigation has uncovered startling facts about" a famous murder, where your "investigation" consisted of reading a CNN.com article about the murder). However, the USDA program targeting birds would not explain massive kills in other countries such as Canada and Sweden, and nothing whatsoever proposed by this article implicates the USDA in any fish kills. Further, the USDA did not indicate anywhere that the Beebe, Arkansas events were part of its blackbird-kill program, nor would it make sense for them to be poisoning birds only one single night out of the year. But the article nevertheless begins by pinning all of these events on the USDA.
The USDA's approval of Imidacloprid may have been regrettably speedy but it was not "illegal".
And most egregious of all, the article uses clip-art of wasps to represent bees. Unforgivable.