I leave a pollen/honey frame as the first frame for several reasons.
1. I am a fourth year beek, and I am still doing some things because older and wiser heads (Les Crowder) said to.
2. The queen tends to place her broodnest by the entrance hole (at one of the short ends of the long hive), and that is where I want her nest, with honey reserves streching uninterrupted towards the back.
3. The bees always fill that first frame near the entrance with pollen and honey. Perhaps it acts as a temperature buffer before the brood frames which they add next. Perhaps they like a "storage pantry" by the front door for easy drop off. It seems they always have pollen/honey in front and behind the brood nest. If I dont leave it there, they will rearrange things to do it anyway.
So, how long have you been keeping TBHs?
I keep long langs, 4 foot long boxes, each holding 30 standard deep frames. However, they still are managed lik TBHs.
Do you have any fall advice for managing long hives, and how much honey are you able to pull each year?