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Well I've been thinking about a donation for some time, so I sent you one! I'll put my money where my mouth is, for once! I'll pledge to make an annual one too. thanx again.


I sure wasn't hitting you up, just explaining the behind the scenes stuff here - but WOW, thanks, the annual idea makes me feel like a local Public TV Station :) But honestly, so kind of you!

Being in Cherry Hill, I was gonna make you a proposition if you had a strong hive or hives going into the Spring here - 3 frames of brood and bees for three frames of honey (or similar trade) you and Kris are my nearest neighbors and I'd love to get restarted soon as the queens are laying regular and I can walk a hive from brood to queen the good old fashion way :)

I like the idea of rebuilding from brood and workers, I have done so many times over 30+ years and although it is usually a slower than wanted process, late in the season it becomes hard to order packages with queens, so I go for the alternative.

I have PDMattox who is very willing to help out with a nuc and is checking into finding an empty shipping cage, but he is busy building up a commercial sized yard and lives in Florida - I surely don't want to put him out any more than he is stretching himself now.

Again, thanks for the donation - I'm more than surprized, I surely wasn't hinting and your gift will go toward keeping our site and forum around a long time - I someday hope to hand the site over to a member who is either very young now, or maybe not even born yet - of course, that is supposing I live a long and healthy life. Either way, the site will be in great hands, I promisel Thanks so much again :)

I didn't feel hit up as you say. I get a lot of value from this site regarding my new hobby. I was thinking about doing it and was just lazy. So you motivated me to do something is all. Thanx.
As for bees, I have one extremely strong hive and one doing decently. I am anticipating receiving three queens from Purviss Brother's Apiaries late June so I will minimally have two hives and one nuc. I may also be getting two nucs from Tim Schuler in Richland, NJ. My understanding is Harvey's Bees may noy have bees available this year as someone wants 100% of thre hives he's producing . It would of course be my pleasure to assist you in restarting. How can I help?


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