I live in arizona- our summer this year was 115-120 from June --its 110 today (Fahrenheit obviously). 110 in almost october-its insane. I am new- about 6 months- I have a really good mentor- and I have 3 hives- I use apimaye hoping they will help with the heat. Anyway- there are always challenges- I bought 2 packages- and put them in the 10 frame hive- they quickly filled out the foundation and had eggs everywhere- then the heat came and killed he eggs- and the moths came and ruined everything. This was in a wood box- I got the apimaye, froze the frames, cleaned them up- but the bees still dont like them.
I got an africanized hive from a neighbor who collects junk. It was in an old washing machine. I accidently killed the queen- it was very tight to reach in and I was getting stung like crazy- so now I have a very aggressive hive with no queen. My plan is to get rid of the workers and put a couple frames of drones and nurse bees in a nuc box and requeen. How will I get rid of the workers? Put the hive in my truck and drive slowly with the lid off out in the desert---they will fly away, the nurse bees, drones, and brood (obviously) will stay. Then i will put a queen in.
Anyway- there is so much to learn, but i have learned so much. I hope to learn more from all of you- and maybe--who knows- i might even know something that will help someone. Thank you.