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Author Topic: Dead new queen! go figure  (Read 938 times)

Offline harvey

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Dead new queen! go figure
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:09:42 pm »
Checked my hives today more for something to do than anything else.  Supered three of them even though they only have one deep drawn.  Hoping that the goldenrod works miracles as I have four that need to fill the second deep for winter.  Three that are two full deeps but not full  of honey.  Those three have empty supers one too.  I had one hive this spring that went queenless.  I tried everything I could  but couldn't get a queen to stay in there at least alive.  No brood for over two months.  I tried introducing a nuc and shook the original bees out.  Didn't work,  Queen died or disapeared,  I then went and bought a nice new totally black queen.  Four days later she was laying great!  Today about a month later I checked again,  no black queen?  She is gone,  but I saw a queen in there.  A real nice large gal, looks like an italian?  Never know what happened to the others but this one looks pretty good,  Hive is still only one deep but only about a week or two till the golden rod pops open,  Then hopefully everyone will get busy and prep for winter.  They are on there own as I am not going to feed them. 

