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I was, I took the syrup off last Thursday.

Terri is this the hive you are feeding?
GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. / Re: reuse of plastic foundation
« Last post by Caashenb on May 31, 2024, 08:40:54 pm »
Lots of ideas to think about i'll probably try a couple and see what works for me.
The larva looked a little on the larger side but I might be imagining things as there was nothing in there a week ago. My mentor is coming over on Monday to look at things and we'll see what he has to say. Hopefully, he'll say that I'm doing fine. I know that I can't know what they are seeing and thinking but I don't see any indications that the queen is faltering in any way.

Thanks for checking it out for me.
I watched the first two parts (just ran out of time for the third).  I knew all but one song on the radio.  :cool:  I was confused, I thought this was the swarm you were talking about before.  You said nuc, I was just distracted and didn't read your post properly (we had a lot going on around here this morning), so sorry about that.  That makes me a little less enthusiastic about the speed at which they are drawing, but I still think that empty deep in the middle is fine.  They looked like they needed the additional room, and putting that in the middle should encourage them to work it.  I also think removing the entrance reducer is fine at this point.  How big was the larva in the queen cell?  Or was it just an egg?  A single charged cell is risky to remove, as they may just be superseding the queen, not swarming, but on the other hand, they are building a lot of cups and they seem to have plenty of other eggs to choose from at the moment.  Since you have the swarm to fall back on if something goes wrong, you could take it down and see if they charge more.  It depends on your goals and whether you'd rather risk losing a swarm or risk them going queenless.       
GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. / Queen cages for forcing a brood break
« Last post by Lesgold on May 31, 2024, 06:31:23 pm »
Hi Folks,

I am after a bit of advice in relation to queen cages to force brood breaks in my hives. As I live in an area where the queen continues to lay during the winter, forcing a brood break will be an advantage when varroa hits in order to help the control of this pest. I would be interested to hear and see the types of cages that you guys use or have access to. Any reports, opinions or advice would be appreciated. I did try a push in cage last season but was not impressed with it. The queens pheromones were not spread sufficiently throughout the hive and queen cells were produced. After about a week the queen also escaped from this cage and this concerned me. I did see an impressive Italian design for a queen catcher and a cage that is cut into a brood frame but this setup is expensive and not readily available in Australia.
That makes me feel better. I figured a way around my memory shortage and got the videos up. There are three parts to this one for anyone who's interested but I only have one or two questions at this point. In the second video at about the 9:00 mark, there looks to be a charged queen cell. I'd like input on that and I had an entrance reducer in with two entrances about 3" wide on each end of it. On one end, they were using it for fanning and the other end was getting clogged up with traffic pretty bad so I just removed it altogether. If that's a mistake, let me know.



You'd be surprised when the flow is strong.  I mean, they drew out the whole medium in 8 days, right?  It will only be a day or two until there is more space for her to lay at that rate. 
How quickly can they draw that out?
I'm not sure how much they will rearrange to accommodate more brood (no QX experience), but I'd imagine they'll just draw out the new deep and she can lay in there.   
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