Navy gun handling

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I can't stop laughing ...  :cheesy:
A Navy commander firing weapon...
Scope mounted backwards
Chicken winging with the stock way up high
Handguard looks like it's crawling out at the top, like its not seated into the delta ring ... maybe just an optical illusion in the photo though
Foregrip almost against the mag, might as well not have it on there and grab the mag well instead
dude looks like he's been chewing fingernails til they bleed
Selector on rocknroll with 2 hunks of brass in the air plus the above .... demonstrating "spray and pray" perhaps ?
or is it just the way navy guys qualify with a rifle ... if you can hit the open water, expert marksman!  :cool:

And what's with the hand on his shoulder from behind? Reminds me that I did the right thing when I didn't go in. :cheesy:

Terri Yaki:
LOL We were all over that on the 2A BB that I haunt. The armorer must have set him up.

ugg.  Believe it or not, few sailors do more than fam fire in the course of their career.  I remember when we went to the range early on and they limited our ammo because the Army and Marines needed it more  :cheesy:

Granted the guy will never have to repel a boarder and his biggest job is telling others to push buttons ...

But that's still no reason to demonstrate incompetence. Even if the armorer set him up, still no excuse. And then it gets POSTED ! just TOO funny... :cheesy:

betting the Air Force is is saying "whew, glad that wasn't us this time" .. heard enough about their "simulated" bs qualifying to roll my eyes.

hopefully someone lost a stripe, although it might be that this guy was not well liked and someone  made him look the fool on purpose   :grin:


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