The Next Step

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The apiary folks who set me up with a nuc, relly set me up with a stong colony...I was told that I could add a super next week.  He mentioned I could take a frame from the brood box, and put it in the super to encourage venturing into the honey super...must that be done, or may I just put in empty frames/foundation

Are the foundations one uses for honey the same as brood foundation?  What do I buy?

I am feeling as though I should have a hive at the ready should I come by a swarm??? 

I am a little confused about that...I am planning onopening up the hive Wednesday to have a look see...

I would call the apiary folks,  but I have saked them so many questions the past few weeks, well youknow I don't wanna be a pest!

Brian D. Bray:
Rule 1.  Always buy what is needed not beginners kits.
Rule2.  Always buy more equipment than you think you need due to unexpected developments (swarms and extra production)
Rule 3.  Develop a game plan as to type of equipment to use and stick with it.  I use 8 frame mediums because they are narrower and easier to handle from a wheelchair and the medium frames used for every thing simplifies the operation.
Rule 4.  Don't be afraid to let your bees be bees.  Unnecessary feeding etc., can cause more problems than it solves.

After that, then you can panic.  LOL    No, really that's why the forum was created: to answer all those question newbees have.

Michael Bush:
>I am feeling as though I should have a hive at the ready should I come by a swarm???


Okay, that is what I am preparing for now...trying to buy the appropriate items...I'd like to have as natural an existance as possible for the lil thangs...


O K KID yeah have a box or two ready.I always have two or three Bee's are streaky they go in spurts I have never been able to plan when swarms are going to show up or the bees are going to have a big flow to put away.On your queation you can put a frame up in the next box to help encourage them  to move up

be a BOY SCOUT Be Prepared


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