So, how does one keep bees organically OR non-toxically?

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Big question...what are your feelings...suggestions, experiences on/with this?

Keeping your bees chemical free is easier than keeping and organic setup.
Chemical Free means you don't use any synthetic chemicals in the treatments of your bees. You don't use chemical laced wax foundation. Natural alternatives are the key to keeping a chemical free beehive.

Organic generally refers to honey and is a certified product. Not only must your hives be chemical free so must all the plants your bees will gather nectar and pollen from within a 2 mile range. That is why organic honey costs more.


I think it would be pretty hard for me to have organic honey (certified) because the bees go were they want.But you can Manage your bees without the use of chemicals and without chemical infested wax foundation.I got two pieces of plastic from Dee Lusby to use to make my own foundation.And I'm going to start useing Foundationless frames.I'm going to try to post some pictures of my hives this week end

I am seeing the phrase "small cell" here a your feeling/experience that by keeping things as close to nature as possible, that Darwin will kick in...survival of the fitest?

As you can gather, I am just beginning, I am also a dahlia grower and grow only organically...I can't say what my neighbors use ( but I do educate on the importance of organics )..

Thanks for you help...

it's actually quite simple.
you have to beekeep with bees, not against them, and keepeeing bees on straight all equal, perfect fundation certainly isn't WITH the bees, it's against them.
by giving them this man-made foundation you're forcing them to raise bees of only one size, the size that fits US and not the bees.
blah blah blah, i could go for ages, anyway the biggest thing is the foundation! what we give thme is wrong, as simple as that, about survival of the fittest, all of them are already winners, we can only ease their future progres,.


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