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Author Topic: Requeening Methods  (Read 9841 times)

Offline TheHoneyPump

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Requeening Methods
« on: February 03, 2021, 01:39:58 am »
Each season brings with it the replacements of tens, hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of queens.  There are success stories and failure stories.  Let us open some discussion with two leading questions. 

1 - what is the fastest, most efficient, best, way to find and dispatch the old queen?

2 - what is the most efficient and most assured successful way of introducing the new queen?

Lots of potential for side tracks and hijacks with this.  When you comment, please try to stay on topic of either or both of those two questions.  The intent and focus is to share the most expedient methods.  It is not to list off and create a vast index of methods.
When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2021, 08:32:34 am »
Mr HP, Without going into detail I have read of versious ways. I do not know the fastest and best. I have reached the stage of beekeeping where this information will be of value to me. Im anxious to know these answers. Good topic and thanks.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 03:17:47 pm by Ben Framed »

Offline TheHoneyPump

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Requeening Methods
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2021, 02:19:05 pm »
For example:

1. Fastest find - single brood chamber plus young experienced eyes
2. Intro - wood mini cage with 4 days worth of candy.
When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2021, 02:32:24 pm »
A local fellow told me that you can introduce the new queen immediately (direct release) by misting her and the hive lightly with honey-bee-healthy. I have not mustered up the courage to try this.

The safest method I have seen is Michale Palmers method of push in cage introduction. I do not see that is the fastest way but I would dare say the safest way?

Note and modification. I forgot to add, the fellow uses a mixture of 50 percent sugar water and 50 percent honey-bee-healthy for the misting. Sorry for any inconvenience and I am still afraid to try. lol
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 03:36:42 pm by Ben Framed »

Offline JurassicApiary

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2021, 03:32:29 pm »
I have tried a smoked introduction with 50/50 results.  I've only done it twice.  One hive accepted the queen and she was laying within days.  Ironically, my second attempt was yesterday.  After smoking the hive and introducing the queen, I checked in on her 5 minutes later and found the hive trying to ball her and dragging her out.  I quickly clipped and removed her.  I guess it will be a more traditional introduction in another day or so.  Today's weather is inclement, so I'm not going to bother them. 

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2021, 08:22:08 pm »
For example:

1. Fastest find - single brood chamber plus young experienced eyes
2. Intro - wood mini cage with 4 days worth of candy.

These examples sound simple and fast as need be to me. Is this the way you do it or just examples. I know you are looking for others ideas and suggestions. Again, good topic. 

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2021, 08:19:14 am »
It's getting closer to that time of year, at least as far as planning goes. I am bumping this topic.

Offline JurassicApiary

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2021, 11:50:29 am »
I have been collecting older beekeeping books and interestingly, I just read a bit on this topic last night after receiving an original 1920 "Dadant System of Beekeeping" book by C. P. Dadant in yesterday's mail..

C. P. Dadant recommends push-cages with an interesting twist:


"Some people believe in making the colony queen less ahead of time.  We don't.  We wait until the new queen is there before removing the old one.  We believe it a good idea to cage the old queen, for an hour or two previous to killing her, in the cage in which the new queen is to be introduced.  It gives the cage the odor of the old queen and appears to make the introduction more secure.  Caging the queen on brood-comb for a couple of days, we consider the best method of introduction.  We have had less losses with this method than any other."

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2021, 05:15:54 pm »
I have been collecting older beekeeping books and interestingly, I just read a bit on this topic last night after receiving an original 1920 "Dadant System of Beekeeping" book by C. P. Dadant in yesterday's mail..

C. P. Dadant recommends push-cages with an interesting twist:


"Some people believe in making the colony queen less ahead of time.  We don't.  We wait until the new queen is there before removing the old one.  We believe it a good idea to cage the old queen, for an hour or two previous to killing her, in the cage in which the new queen is to be introduced.  It gives the cage the odor of the old queen and appears to make the introduction more secure.  Caging the queen on brood-comb for a couple of days, we consider the best method of introduction.  We have had less losses with this method than any other."

This sounds logical... Good find and good post JurassicApiary

Offline Bill Murray

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2021, 06:20:18 pm »
Well here is my 2 cents worth. wooden queen cage, no smoke, dosnt matter if the old queen was there today or not, strip drawn wax where queen cage goes, remove 1 frame from box. If the new queen is giving off good pheromone 99.9% take rate. If not dosnt matter what you did cause if they accepted her she will be replaced anyway.

Online Michael Bush

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Re: Requeening Methods
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2021, 07:56:42 pm »
>Each season brings with it the replacements of tens, hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of queens.  There are success stories and failure stories.  Let us open some discussion with two leading questions.

The problem with doing this for the bees is that you are passively breeding for bees that can't do it for themselves.

>1 - what is the fastest, most efficient, best, way to find and dispatch the old queen?

If you introduce cells instead of queens, you don't have to.  I think it's usually less work to actually look and find her, but if that fails a shaker box can be used.  Take a deep box and nail an excluder on the bottom and put a horizontal line of duct tape about two thirds from the top.  Put this on top of a box with at least some combs in it.  Shake the bees in and look for a clump of bees.  The queen usually will be in a clump.  To dispatch, drop the queen in a jar of alcohol.  Save for swarm lure.

>2 - what is the most efficient and most assured successful way of introducing the new queen?

A candy release is reliable enough, but if you have doubts or a very valuable queen, a push in cage is best.

Most I've seen are about 4" by 4". I prefer them larger:


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