More Free Bees!

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Caught a swarm earlier this spring and now will get more free bees.

A lady posted on FB that she wants to put down her aggressive hive but keep the honey.  The bees stung her dad and husband, she said.

I told her I would take the bees and give her the honey, which we plan to do this afternoon after church and dinner.

It's a big hive!  There are three 8-frame deeps and a medium super.

Will do a split on the spot by transferring frames to an empty insulated hive and some Pro Nuc Boxes.  I'll be sure to get eggs and brood evenly distributed.  The hive will be ready to set on the stand already there in the apiary and the nucs will go into an insulated Long Lang already in place in the apiary.

She wants me to keep all the hive parts, too.

And get this.  I'll be able to back right up to them!

Sounds good. I hope for you that it was just by happenstance that the people just got stung by mistake or by aggravating the bees.
Is there a plan B if you show up and get attacked by angry bees?
It?s still free equipment either way. Yay!

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There is a good chance that the hive went queen less and they are up set. Check for eggs and prepare for replacing the queen.
Jim Altmiller

Ben Framed:
Awesome! As Jim said, check for eggs making sure there is a queen.
Just a suggestion: I don't know your set up or know if you are raising new bees, splits, and or queens as of now? If so and this hive is really mean, really aggressive; I am suggesting that you take them to an isolated location, away from other bees, including yours. Far enough away from other bees that the drones which may already be present can't find virgins to breed. Destroy all drone brood to slow down the mean genetic cycle, (you don't want mean drones breeding your gentle natured virgins, in your home yard if you are raising some), or anyone else's for that matter. Change the queen out with a good gentle natured bred queen, and give the hive time to repopulate with a gentle strain of bee. As the mean bees naturally die off.  In the meantime they will continue to bring in the honey as long as there is a flow, making for a smooth easy gradual transition to a gentle hive. Congratulations!

Some say drones fly far away to mate, Honeypump has taught us that virgins will and sometimes will mate with drones from the same yard.

The splits should calm them down, bet their is some aggravate factor, as weed eater and lawn mower


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