small cell
Oh Boy a New place on the forum.This is a place for people who use no chemicals and small cell like mother nature.When I first kept bees in the 70's there were no Mites.When I started keeping bees in 2000 I learned about mites.I also learned
that all the Feral bees(90%) of them had died out.I also learned that there were al kinds of chemicals and treatments being tried by beekeepers.I also learned that you couldn't get bees from Sears any more and it was difficult to get them thru the mail.
This is what I discovered even with chemicals my bees died Queens I ordered Failed,and there were Feral Bees everywere.
When I went to Arizonia and I stoped at a rest stop Bees all over the desert bush that was in Bloom.I started stoping randomly Bees Bees Bees out in the most harsh areas.I have concluded that wild bees are doing good without mans intervention.These bees have small cell and are free of chemicals do they die yes but that is part of mother natures place the strong make the weak don't.
I also realized that the mites aren't leaveing there here to stay so it is important to have Mite Resistant bees.I don't give them pollen sub either I have a pollen trap so I can get some to feed my bees the real stuff.
I think over the last 50 years the number of beekeepers has went down and there are larger beekeeping companys who move there bees many times I think this is stressful for bees.
I also discovered Michael Bush's web page and the organic beekeepers web page and Beesource web page very helpful.
I really had good luck with the unlimited beood nest I read about on Michael's Page.
I have had my success increase 20 times since doing small cell I have feral bees now two more swarms this week.
I hopethis helps answer any questions about small cell or post some
I'm not going to debate with anyone this is just what I foud works for me .If you use Chemicals thats your business I'm not interested.I just feel if Bees have to depend on man and his chemicals the bees are doomed.
I love how small cell is this reveloutionary idea. If you leave the bees alone this is the size they will regress to naturally.
When you use small cell they become smaller.When I went to Arizona and went out in the Bee Yard with Dee Lusby it was Obvious they were smaller.I put Duct
Tape over the vents of my Hat so the bees would not get in.I have two Nuc's
from Arizona already small.I have one cut out that was small and put with small cell I have two swarms this week put on small cell one hive that I have for three years in progress to small cell and a package in the mauil for Monday the ninth of April.The other big thing that helped me succeed is Unlimited Brood nest.When
I went into Dee Lusby's bee yard two weeks ago the hives were a 4 deeps already.She suggested I add two box's . I did that .The cut out I hived in 1st of Jan is really doing great need to remove honey and add some more box's
Michael Bush:
>I love how small cell is this reveloutionary idea. If you leave the bees alone this is the size they will regress to naturally.
But letting the bees build their own comb and take care of their own problems in their own way IS revolutionary. Just bring the subject up on any bee board and see how much it threatens the established concepts.
Oh Yes small cell is "alternative beekeeping" Mother Nature has been doing Alternative Beekeeping for a trillion of years.The Feral bees are doing good without mans help.
"Its not about honey its not about money its about survival" Charles Martin Simmon
"everything works if you let it" Michael Bush
There is a lot of people surviveing off of the sale of chemicals .This is a vested interest.
Small cell all the way
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